A few months back, I put out a call to the unbelted fighters to make an A&S entry for EK Novice Day, so long as they qualified. My intent is to help fight the perception that heavy list fighters are just stick jocks who don’t have much interest in recreating history off the field, and just wanna hit stuff. To put my money where my mouth is, I decided to step well out of my own comfort zone and submit something myself.

I had to decide what I could possibly do for A&S, and decided it had to be period gaming related since that’s really my only foray into the A&S world. I started learning about ancient board games a few years back, and have been slowly amassing a bunch of books, scholarly articles, and game equipment. I’ve taught 3 classes on it so far at local events, and run a few gaming tables at events as well. Since I procrastinated and got pressed for time, I chose an area I’d already done a bunch of research on. The Royal Game of Ur. This game is connected to another game, Aseb, which is found in Egypt. I did my project on the link between the two, that it likely migrated due to trade, and how the game evolved when it transitioned between cultures over the course of 1000 years. Below is my display, and below that my research project. After my research project is my document on how I made the materials on display. If the embeds don’t work, links will be at the bottom. I’m quite proud to say that my entry won Laurel’s choice at Novice Day! Enjoy!

My display for Novice Day

From Ur To Aseb – Research

Making From Ur to Aseb – Creation Document

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I’m Fearghus!

Welcome to my SCA period gaming blog! This is where I will post musings, projects, and research related to ancient board, table, and card games from the pre-1700 world.

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